As he stood there, struck by this strange charm, the woman's head turned sharply towards him. Startled, he jumped back and almost screamed. After a moment, he plucked up the courage and looked again. There was nothing to see this time. The whole hole was filled with red. Apparently, a resident of the room noticed him and blocked the hole with something red. He felt his cheeks turn red and felt stupid. He hoped that the woman would not complain to him at the reception.

He went back to his room and fell asleep.

The next day, going down to breakfast, he decided to ask the receptionist about the mysterious room. When he promised that explanations would remain between them, she finally agreed to tell him the true story.

"Many years ago, a man killed his wife in this room. When the investigation was over, we renovated the room, but the people we housed there rarely spent the whole night there. They said they saw a strange apparition whose skin was almost completely white and whose eyes were completely red... ".
Something in the grain
started a few weeks later, and I noticed that the hay bales in the field were slowly leaving the house. Every morning, when I woke up, each of them was several hundred feet away from where they had been the day before. I figured they were local pranksters with nothing to do, so I just ignored it. After a few days, the hay began to approach the borders of my farm. I was already tired of this whole game, so I decided to move them back. It took several very tedious and boring hours, anyway, finishing work, I was ready to turn the head of the peasant who decided to hang out with me.

The next morning I was woken up by a strange and heavy smell, when I decided to follow him to the stable, I found that all my animals had been killed and killed. Each of them was lying in the yard without a trace. I spent the rest of the day cleaning up this slaughterhouse and burying the remains of my horses. When I finished, I found that the hay bales in the field had returned to their places the day before yesterday, scattered across the field. This time I left them in their place.

That same night, I was sitting on the porch with a shotgun in my hands and a cup of coffee on the table behind me. I sat there for several hours, straining my eyes to the field in order to see at least for a moment a mysterious figure moving my hay. Finally, I started to fall asleep. I was falling asleep, but when my eyes started to close, I heard knocking and rustling in the trees in the nearby forest. I looked in the direction of the noise, my heart was pounding with excitement, finally I was going to catch the manure. I struggled with the gun, wandered around in the chair, anxiously waiting for someone to come up to me so that I could surprise him. This thing crept into my field from the nearby forest, she did not notice that I was sitting on the porch. The sneaking and slouching reminded me of the image of a thief walking on his toes. Bahisbey Crash Oyunları Stratejiler <br>